Please complete the details below to register for the Positive Impact Day 2024

*mandatory questions

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Societe Generale Legal Notices: Societe Generale is a French credit institution (bank) that is authorised and supervised by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) (the French Prudential Control and Resolution Authority) and regulated by the Autorité des marchés financiers (the French financial markets regulator) (AMF). Details about the extent of our authorization, supervision and regulation are available from us on request. Societe Generale is a French Société Anonyme (limited company) with share capital of EUR 1,066,714,367.50 as of September 2021 whose registered Head office is located at 29 boulevard Haussmann – 75009 PARIS (France), registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 552 120 222.

Disclaimer: The event is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer from Societe Generale to buy, sell or redeem a security. You are responsible for conducting your own analysis and due diligence prior to attending this event per applicable regulation. Please note that this online event and audience participation will be recorded for replay and marketing purposes.

How We Use Your Data: The Positive Impact Day is organised and hosted by Societe Generale. Societe Generale will use your registration data in accordance with its privacy policy.
Your registration data will be hosted by the website developer, Brainsonic, and their subcontractors for the duration of the marketing campaign of the conference.
Please note that you are entitled to access your personal data, to obtain rectification and erasure, as well as a right to restriction of processing, a right to object and also a right to data portability, in the conditions defined by the applicable regulations, by contacting:

Registration Criteria: This conference is open to both investors and issuers, buy-side investors from financial institutions including Asset Managers, Hedge Funds, Pension Funds, Insurance Companies. ESG and sustainability specialists both from our issuers and investors, corporate wholesale clients interested in sustainability, energy transition and decarbonisation. More generally the conference is open to partners, prospects, start-ups, academics, university students and representatives from the public sector. Media representatives are only permitted to attend with prior written authorisation from Societe Generale.

Compliance With The MiFID II Delegated Directive: Staff from Investment Firms subject to the requirements on the receipt of non-monetary benefits under Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 of 7th April 2016 (the “MiFID II Delegated Directive”), that will not already have an agreement with Societe Generale on the provision of Equity Sector Research by the date of the conference should satisfy themselves that their attendance would be in compliance with the provisions of the MiFID II Delegated Directive.

By clicking on the submit button, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the above terms.